Check with seller
Other Classes
1 year
Dar es Salaam
11103 - Upanga West
SKU: 2063
Published 1 year ago by Hussein Sagaff
Check with seller
In Other Classes category
Upanga West, 11103 Ilala, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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Hi. I am Tanzanian man with years of experience and know-how in E-Commerce and Social Media Marketing. I am looking for a business partnership with someone who is fluent in English to open up a college in Upanga West region of Dar-es-Salaam. The college will be teaching E-Commerce, Social Media Marketing, Website Design and implementation, etc, to prospective students.
I have access to college premises in Upanga West and would like someone with the same ambition as myself to partner with. Please contact me for further discussion. Thank you. Read more


Hi. I am Tanzanian man with years of experience and know-how in E-Commerce and Social Media Marketing. I am looking for a business partnership with someone who is fluent in English to open up a college in Upanga West region of Dar-es-Salaam. The college will be teaching E-Commerce, Social Media Marketing, Website Design and implementation, etc, to prospective students.
I have access to college premises in Upanga West and would like someone with the same ambition as myself to partner with. Please contact me for further discussion. Thank you.

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