46 Products For Sale in 11063981
Latest Listings of products like electronics, cars, house, land and other products for sale in Tanzania, check here to find wide selection of quality products at competitive price in Tanzania.
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Emmanuel Hermit
2 months
Sofa set 3:2:1:1
TZS 2,400,000
Sofa set 3:2:1:1
Dar es Salaam
Sofa ya Kisasa na Yenye Ubora wa Hali ya Juu! Imetengenezwa kwa material imara na ya kudumu.Muundo mzuri, inafaa kwasebule au ofisi. Rangi na ukubwa wa kuvutia. Bei nafuu,maelewano yanaruhusiwa. Wasiliana nasi leo kwa maelezo zaidi au kuiona!"
TZS 2,400,000
Martin Wallace
4 months
Stewart Furniture
6 months
Vitanda vya kisasa
TZS 250,000
Vitanda vya kisasa
Dar es Salaam
Njoo uchukue kitanda chenye hadhi Mbao ni mkongo Size ni 5×6 Bei ni 250,000/- Rangi unachagua, tupo jirani na uwanja wa taifa au mkapa na tunaleta popote kwa dar na malipo ni baada ya kupokea mzigo 0685463889 0752508399
TZS 250,000
6 months
GR Printing
6 months
GR Printing
6 months
GR Printing
6 months
GR Printing
6 months
GR Printing
6 months
GR Printing
6 months
GR Printing
6 months
CNC router
TZS 22,000,000
CNC router
Dar es Salaam
Ready for cutting and engraving 1300mm * 2500mm working area
TZS 22,000,000
GR Printing
6 months
Baba Ella
9 months
Baba Ella
9 months
Baba Ella
9 months
Baba Ella
9 months
iPhone 11
TZS 600,000
iPhone 11
Dar es Salaam
Nauza simu iPhone 11 bei nafuu mnooo
TZS 600,000
GR Printing
9 months
GR Printing
9 months
CNC machine
TZS 18,500,000
CNC machine
Dar es Salaam
Best machine for craving and engaraving materials like woods, steels, aluminium and alyrilic.
TZS 18,500,000
GR Printing
9 months
720D cutting plotter
TZS 880,000
720D cutting plotter
Dar es Salaam
Get your cutting machine for clear and smart artworks cutting. Its fast and its saves time. Free installation and course
TZS 880,000
GR Printing
9 months
Heat press machine
TZS 850,000
Heat press machine
Dar es Salaam
Karibu ujipatie Heat press machine bora na za kisasa kwaajili ya biashara yako. Tunatoa mafunzo na kuifunga bura kabis
TZS 850,000
GR Printing
10 months
GR Printing
10 months
May offer 1
Check with seller
May offer 1
Dar es Salaam
Get your golden offer for this may only Never plan to miss this offer
Check with seller
GR Printing
10 months
Large Format machine
Check with seller
Large Format machine
Dar es Salaam
Large printing machine for banners and vinyly sticker printing. Applied for printing advertising and promotions banner like billboard. Also printing of branding sticker special for markerting and promotions like cars, buses, office and company For more contact us 0764855156 0621710980 @gr printing and general supply
Check with seller
Lucy Kibindo
11 months
Plot for sell
TZS 1,200,000
Plot for sell
Dar es Salaam
Kibindo1 Viwanja VYA mkopo Kilwa road Mil 1 na lak2 Vikindu vianzi, kazole vs Kisemvule mpela, kibamba ukubwa fut50 Kwa 40 Moro road Mil 5 mita 25kwa 20 na mita 20 kwa 10 Mil 2.5 wahi sasa kibamba Mil 3 Moro road Kwa mawasiliano WhatsApp#0788415211
TZS 1,200,000
1 year