For sale For Sale in Kinondoni find different For sale available for you in Kinondoni, check here to find wide selection of quality For sale in Kinondoni.
Hello everyone rayrose is very beautiful for grow long hair 1week you see results 20000 and you needs shampoo guys very well for removing any dust in your hair 15000 follow me available 0777335164/ 0783185485 wasap or inbox ????????♥️
TZS 20,000
2 years agoHealth & BeautyNewSell320 people viewed
Tunahakikisha unaweza kutoa risiti popote ulipo kwa garama nafuu hata kama hauna bando utaweza kutumia mfumo wa VFD. Huu mfumo umethibitishwa na TRA kutoa risiti halali za EFD zenye QR CODE kwa kutumia simu ya mkononi.
TZS 300,000
2 years agoEverything ElseNewSell2784 people viewed
Fashionable bag with 2 spacious compartments to store smaller items such as wallets, pencil case to bigger items such as A4 counter books. Size:30*15*31 cm Material: PU leather Color: Brown
This emoji printed bag is quite large and spacious with 1 big compartment and smaller compartment at the front. It has enough space to store smaller items such as wallets, pencil case to bigger items such as A4 counter books and 13 inch laptop. it also has side pockets to store 2 water bottles. Size: 45*16 * 31cm Material: Canvas material Color: Black