Exsan Gasket Shellac

TZS 1,000
Bidhaa Nyingine
2 months
Dar es Salaam
SKU: 9198
Published 2 months ago by snehal nair
TZS 1,000
In Bidhaa Nyingine category
Kigamboni, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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141 item views
Seal the Deal with Exsan’s Gasket Shellac! Engineered for high-performance, creating a leak-proof bond that stands strong against high temperatures, pressure, oil, coolant, and other challenging fluids. Perfect for automotive and industrial applications, this adhesive ensures durability and reliability, Exsan’s Gasket Shellac is an ideal choice providing maximum adhesion and leak proof sealing performance for automotive and industrial gaskets.
For over 30 years, Exsan has been the biggest manufacturer of Gasket Shellac and has set the standard for reliable flange joint sealing, complying with all ASTM quality standards and is a trusted partner for 25+ countries.
???? Contact us on WhatsApp: +919594255551, +919004466463
???? Visit us: https://exsan.in, *EU Certified Production Company* Read more


Seal the Deal with Exsan’s Gasket Shellac! Engineered for high-performance, creating a leak-proof bond that stands strong against high temperatures, pressure, oil, coolant, and other challenging fluids. Perfect for automotive and industrial applications, this adhesive ensures durability and reliability, Exsan’s Gasket Shellac is an ideal choice providing maximum adhesion and leak proof sealing performance for automotive and industrial gaskets.
For over 30 years, Exsan has been the biggest manufacturer of Gasket Shellac and has set the standard for reliable flange joint sealing, complying with all ASTM quality standards and is a trusted partner for 25+ countries.
???? Contact us on WhatsApp: +919594255551, +919004466463
???? Visit us: https://exsan.in, *EU Certified Production Company*

Vidokezo Salama

  • Usifanye malipo yoyote mtandaoni au kutoa taarifa zako binafsi kakikisha unaiona bidhaa kabla ya kununua.
  • Kuwa mwangalifu na wauzaji wanao hitaji malipo ya awali kabla ya kukutana na kukagua kifaa.
  • Jaribu bidhaa hakikisha inafanya kazi kikamilifu kabla ya kununua, fahamu zaidi kupitia ukurasa huu.
  • Hakikisha unakutana na muuzaji katika eneo salama na la wazi pale unapotaka kununua bidhaa.
Toa Taarifa

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