MasterPieces Realtree - The One That Got Away 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

TZS 49,000
Bidhaa Nyingine
1 year
Dar es Salaam
SKU: 4170
Published 1 year ago by Mohammed Jivanjee
TZS 49,000
In Bidhaa Nyingine category
Ilala, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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MasterPieces Realtree - The One That Got Away 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Price : 49,000Tshs
Call / Whatsapp : 0627774377 Read more


MasterPieces Realtree - The One That Got Away 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Price : 49,000Tshs
Call / Whatsapp : 0627774377

Vidokezo Salama

  • Usifanye malipo yoyote mtandaoni au kutoa taarifa zako binafsi kakikisha unaiona bidhaa kabla ya kununua.
  • Kuwa mwangalifu na wauzaji wanao hitaji malipo ya awali kabla ya kukutana na kukagua kifaa.
  • Jaribu bidhaa hakikisha inafanya kazi kikamilifu kabla ya kununua, fahamu zaidi kupitia ukurasa huu.
  • Hakikisha unakutana na muuzaji katika eneo salama na la wazi pale unapotaka kununua bidhaa.
Toa Taarifa

Bidhaa Ulizoangalia

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