TOYOTARACTIZ KALI SANA PRICE Mil 10.8 ☑️ usajiri - DRT ☑️ mwaka - 2007 ☑️ rangi - BLACK ☑️ engine type -1NZ ☑️ engine cc - 1490 ☑️ mileages - very low ☑️ full AC ☑️ full documents ☑️ full accessories ☑️ full music systerm ☑️ full sport rims ☑️ No fault inafika popote????????????
Modeli:SZX Umbali wa Juu:80KM Uwezo wa Kubeba:150KG Vipimo :1830*710*1075mm Betri:Betri ya Asidi ya Risasi(Salama sana) Kuzuia wizi Gia ya Kurudi Nyuma Kiolesur cha USB(Univeral Serial Bus) Usichome mafuta Haihitaji mafuta, chaji moja tu inatumia unit 1.7 za umeme.
NewExchange AllowedMagari MengineBarabara Ya Kawawa,Mkwajuni
Price/bei 20.5m TOYOTA HARRIER FOR SALE (DPH) Cc 2360 Year 2010 Automatic Adroid radio Leather seats Full Ac Clean interior Sports rims New four tyres New four tyres Call 0676 478 888
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YEAR || 2005 Bei Milioni 8.8 Full A/C ..????✅ Engine Capacity:1990 Engine Code 1AZ Mileage:123507+Km✅ Fuel: Petrol ⛽️ Colour: BLUE Location: Tegeta Airbags Android Tv+ Sport Wheels + New Tyres Call 0676 478 888
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EGO POWER+ 52 Z6 Zero Turn Riding Lawn Mower (FIRST MOWER DEPOT) DESCRIPTION EGO POWER+ 52 Z6 Zero Turn Riding Lawn Mower The EGO POWER+ 52” Z6 Zero Turn Riding Mower is a ZTR like nothing else out there. Featuring Peak Power™+ technology, it combines the power of up to 6 EGO 56V ARC Lithium™ Batteries – the same battery technology powering all EGO products,...
Bidhaa NyingineRuko Sutera Niaga 2, Jl. Raya Serpong Kilometer 7, Pakulonan, Kec. Serpong Utara, Kota Tangerang Sel