183 Products For Sale in 11063983
Nunua bidhaa mpya na zilizotumika kwa bei nafuu, kama unatafuta gari, nyumba, smartphone, kompyuta, TV au bidhaa nyingine yoyote utaipata hapa Zoom Tanzania kwa bei nafuu.
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Alan Cammidge
2 years
Hubert Després
2 years
Abdallah Issa
2 years
Plastic Planks for Blanderring
TZS 15,000
Plastic Planks for Blanderring
Dar es Salaam
Any place around the oceans seems to have humidity with salt impurities, hence this becomes a problem to normal timber wood and steel pipe. Timber wood will rot, Steel pipe will get rusts and Recycled Plastic Planks used for outdoor project. Our Planks are well resisted to different weather conditions. The best solution to this is using our recycled Plastic ...
TZS 15,000
Farida Abdalla
2 years
TZS 20,000
Dar es Salaam
Hello everyone rayrose is very beautiful for grow long hair 1week you see results 20000 and you needs shampoo guys very well for removing any dust in your hair 15000 follow me available 0777335164/ 0783185485 wasap or inbox ????????♥️
TZS 20,000
Jasy Mwasha
2 years
Gudod fashionable backpack
TZS 35,000
Gudod fashionable backpack
Dar es Salaam
Fashionable bag with 2 spacious compartments to store smaller items such as wallets, pencil case to bigger items such as A4 counter books. Size:30*15*31 cm Material: PU leather Color: Brown
TZS 35,000
Jasy Mwasha
2 years
Emoji backpack
TZS 20,000
Emoji backpack
Dar es Salaam
This emoji printed bag is quite large and spacious with 1 big compartment and smaller compartment at the front. It has enough space to store smaller items such as wallets, pencil case to bigger items such as A4 counter books and 13 inch laptop. it also has side pockets to store 2 water bottles. Size: 45*16 * 31cm Material: Canvas material Color: Black
TZS 20,000
Binti Shangwe
2 years
idd simba
2 years
TZS 20,000
Dar es Salaam
Sisi ni Shining Sports Organization wamiliki wa Shining Sports Academy. Ni Academy ya michezo mbali mbali ila kwa sasa tumeanza na mchezo wa soka. Mazoezi yanafanyika viwanja vya Masaki Sports Park, Karume Road, Masaki. Tunafanya session za watoto kwa ratiba ifuatayo; Under 9 Tuesdays &Thursdays 4:30pm - 6:00pm Saturday 9:30am - 11:00am Under 7 Wednesday...
TZS 20,000