5 Products For Sale in Manyara
Hizi hapa Bidhaa mbalimbali zinazopatikana Manyara. Nunua simu, kompyuta, gari, ardhi au bidhaa yoyote mkoani Manyara kwa bei nafuu kupitia Zoom Tanzania.
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3 months
reshma soni
6 months
Lodge in Manayra for Sale
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Lodge in Manayra for Sale
Lodge Details: Running well maintained Nsya lodge and campsite for sale or long term lease Total land area 12 acres entirely fenced Titled land 5 Randaval cottages each comprising 2 rooms all ensuite accommodation, from twins, doubles, triples to family rooms 2 luxury permanent tents all ensuite and 1 individual room ensuite Tanesco power Piped water supply ...
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Ivan Minja
8 months
Shamba for sale Oljoro Simanjiro Manyara
TZS 330,000,000
Shamba for sale Oljoro Simanjiro Manyara
Minja real estate & Car Broker introduce to you:- Shamba for sale Simanjiro Manyara. Shamba has 150 acres size. Distance from new dodoma road from Manyara its 2.5 km. There is 1 house which has bedroom and toilet. Power is there. Water is there. Document: Traditional title. Price Mil 330 negotiable. Call/Whats app 0687575770 for more info.
TZS 330,000,000
johal ali
1 year
mohamed phones
2 years