4383 Personal For Sale in Tanzania
Nunua bidhaa mpya na zilizotumika kwa bei nafuu, kama unatafuta gari, nyumba, smartphone, kompyuta, TV au bidhaa nyingine yoyote utaipata hapa Zoom Tanzania kwa bei nafuu.
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bhagyshree chohan
2 years
Used sofa set
TZS 700,000
Used sofa set
Dar es Salaam
Full sofa set with single 3 seater and 3 single seater 3:1:1:1 High quality material and In goog conditionv
TZS 700,000
Ahmadi Luonyo
2 years
Dawa ya baridi yabisi(ARTHRITIS)
TZS 25,000
Dawa ya baridi yabisi(ARTHRITIS)
Dar es Salaam
Baridi yabisi ni mkusanyiko wa maradhi yanayotesa watu wengi katika siku za hivi karibuni maradhi haya ni makali kiasi kwamba humtesa mtu na kumfanya kuwa mlemavu na hata kupelekea kifo wakati mwingine NINI HUSABABISA MARADHI HAYA Ni huwepo wa sumu nyingi za tindikali mbaya katika mwili uric acidi wakati mwingine ni maambukizi ya bacteria virusi na matatizo ...
TZS 25,000
Judith Ikate
2 years
Hils Cmpny
2 years
2 years
Auto Desk Auto Cad 2021
TZS 166,000
Auto Desk Auto Cad 2021
Dar es Salaam
Auto Desk Auto Cad 2021 A original CAD software used by millions around the world. It can be used to create precise 2D and 3D drawings and models, as well as electrical diagrams, construction drawings, and more call or whatsapp us 24/7 available online ready to attend all your tech needs...
TZS 166,000
2 years
Code V
TZS 68,000
Code V
Dar es Salaam
Code V a very handy optical design software application which can be used for modeling, analyzing, optimizing and providing the fabrication support for development of the optical systems for diverse applications. Code V provides powerful and a very easy to use toolkit of optical techniques and calculations which will enable you to create superior designs.
TZS 68,000
Daniel Uronu
2 years
Daniel Uronu
2 years
Hp 250
TZS 420,000
Hp 250
Dar es Salaam
Core i3 Ram 4 Hdd 500 Very slim
TZS 420,000
Daniel Uronu
2 years
Daniel Uronu
2 years
Dell box
TZS 350,000
Dell box
Dar es Salaam
Duo Ram 4 Hdd 500 Very slim
TZS 350,000
2 years
Microsoft office pro plus 2019
TZS 70,000
Microsoft office pro plus 2019
Dar es Salaam
The most popular Microsoft Office apps including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and importantly Outlook full package for all daily office use new features presentation outlook wanna give it a try well get it for a full setup with office 2019 activated lifetime 24/7 available
TZS 70,000
2 years
Activate Windows go to Settings fix
TZS 50,000
Activate Windows go to Settings fix
Dar es Salaam
Activate Windows go to Settings fixed you always see? an “Activate Windows” message each time using or restarting computer at the bottom-right corner of your system's desktop laptop or tablet it means you haven't activated your copy of Windows 7,8,10,11 once the 90-day trial period is over. You can remove this annoying message which usually says “Activate Wi...
TZS 50,000
2 years
Excel Column Extractor Pro 2023
TZS 96,000
Excel Column Extractor Pro 2023
Dar es Salaam
Excel Column Extractor Pro 2023 is an intelligent application which can be used to quickly and easily extract the same type of column data from multiple spreadsheets and then merge them into one Excel worksheet. It is a reliable application which can intelligently extract the desired data from overly-complex, large Excel spreadsheets. The program comes in ha...
TZS 96,000
Laptop Discount Village
2 years
Hp elitebook 820 G1
TZS 550,000
Hp elitebook 820 G1
Dar es Salaam
Intel core i5 Ram 4gb Hdd 500gb +empty ssd slot Backlight keyboard Free wireless mouse Free 16gb usb Free software installation Free laptop bag Free laptop adapter From abroad
TZS 550,000
Daniel Uronu
2 years
Daniel Uronu
2 years
Daniel Uronu
2 years
Hp folio
TZS 450,000
Hp folio
Dar es Salaam
Core i7 Hdd 500 Ram 4 Very slim Clean as new
TZS 450,000
Daniel Uronu
2 years
Daniel Uronu
2 years
2 years
TurboCAD Designer
TZS 200,000
TurboCAD Designer
Dar es Salaam
TurboCAD Designer a versatile application that optimizes design workflow. It is equipped with various features and tools such as 2D Drafting, 3D Surface modeling, Photo realistic rendering, and some other improvements and enhancements. It makes the drafting and modeling workflow simple and efficient.
TZS 200,000
Mtc store
2 years
Soap & glory face wash & clarity
TZS 50,000
Soap & glory face wash & clarity
Dar es Salaam
SOAP & GLORY VITAMIN C FACIAL WASH PRICE: 50,000/= Inacleanse uchafu wote na ku unclog your pores without over drying • Ina fight spot causing bacteria • Pia ina tone your skin leaving it feeling extra clean * Tighten pores, kwa wale wenye large visible pores Ina control shine • Ina zuia uso kupata breakouts za mara kwa mara % Ina tengeneza povu haraka a...
TZS 50,000
2 years
Autodeskt revit mep 2015
TZS 160,000
Autodeskt revit mep 2015
Dar es Salaam
Autodesk Revit MEP 2015 an impressive application which can be used for designing a 2D structural and 3D model of a building. Building construction involves loads of planning as well as design in otder to get the best outcome on paper before shifting the gears to the actual structures from the ground up
TZS 160,000
Rukilo Printing Press
2 years
Rukilo Printing Press
2 years
Stanley Robson
2 years
TZS 25,599,999
Complete Surveying Kit Includes: - 2 x RS+ receivers (Base and Rover) - 1 x Rugged Android Controller - 1 x eField Complete Surveying Software POSITIONING PERFORMANCE Static GNSS surveying Single Baseline <30 km Horizontal 5 mm + 1 ppm RMS Vertical 10 mm + 2 ppm RMS Real Time Kinematic surveying Single Baseline <10 km Horizontal 7 mm + 1 ppm RMS Vertic...
TZS 25,599,999