Ally Damas

Ally Damas Ally Damas
Specializes in Electroniki
6 active listings
Personal seller
Alikuwa online 1 month ago
Registered for 1 year

Bidhaa Mpya

Ally Damas Ally Damas 5 months
Hisense fridge
TZS 600,000
Hisense fridge
Price 600,000/- in clean condition without any problem
Electroniki Nyamanoro
TZS 600,000
Ally Damas Ally Damas 1 year
office chair and table
TZS 350,000
office chair and table
morden office chair and table clean as new
Bidhaa Nyingine 1234543 - Ilemela
TZS 350,000
Ally Damas Ally Damas 1 year
boss radio
TZS 120,000
boss radio
boss radio,with speaker bars, bluetooth, fm radio, usb, and us card
Electroniki 1234543 - Ilemela
TZS 120,000
Ally Damas Ally Damas 1 year
boss microwave
TZS 150,000
boss microwave
boss microwave 20 litres clean as new
Electroniki 1234543 - Ilemela
TZS 150,000
Ally Damas Ally Damas 1 year
HISENSE refrigrator
TZS 650,000
HISENSE refrigrator
hisense refrigrator 260 litres in good and clean condition as new
Electroniki 1234543 - Ilemela
TZS 650,000
Ally Damas Ally Damas 1 year
TZS 600,000
hisense Tv 43 inches smart Tv ,clean as new
Mafunzo ya Kompyuta 1234543 - Mwanza
TZS 600,000
  • 1
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