brian munira

brian munira brian munira
Specializes in Bidhaa Nyingine
Kizimkazi mkunguni zanzibar south , Kizmkazi , Zanzibar, Zanzibar Urban/West, Zanzibar
2 active listings
Personal seller
Alikuwa online 1 year ago
Registered for 2 years

Bidhaa Mpya

brian munira brian munira 2 years
Property is for selling
$ 95,000
Property is for selling
Zanzibar Urban/West
Now you can invest at kizimkazi. The plot is at kizimkazi near dolphin tour and safari blue(sundbank island) the plot is at 3rd row from the beach but 5minute walking to the beach, in the plot there is a beautful garden, 2 bungalows, one bungalow has single double bedroom, second one has two double bedroom and restaurant, the plot is huge which you can put m...
New Bidhaa Nyingine
$ 95,000
brian munira brian munira 2 years
The land is for sell
$ 18,000
The land is for sell
Zanzibar Central/South
A land is for sell, good location 5minute walking to the beach
Bidhaa Nyingine
$ 18,000
  • 1
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