2 Products For Sale in 2156589
Latest Listings of products like electronics, cars, house, land and other products for sale in Tanzania, check here to find wide selection of quality products at competitive price in Tanzania.
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snehal nair
2 months
Exsan High Performance Brake Fluid Dot3, 4, 5.1
TZS 1,000
Exsan High Performance Brake Fluid Dot3, 4, 5.1
Zanzibar Central/South
Exsan’s Brake Fluid range is crafted for ultimate safety and performance in hydraulic brake and clutch systems. Formulated to withstand the demands of any road, Exsan offers superior protection against vapor lock and corrosion, ensuring consistent braking response and safety every time you hit the brakes. Why Choose Exsan’s Brake Fluid range? Reliable brakin...
TZS 1,000
Mustafa Ebrahimjee
1 year
20 Hp Tractor
TZS 12,000,000
20 Hp Tractor
Zanzibar Central/South
No. Of Cylinder 3 HP Category 20 HP PTO HP 10.3 HP Gear Box 6 Forward +2 Reverse Brakes Mechanical Sonalika 20 hp mini tractor price is always a great feature. Sonalika DI 20 is the best mini tractor model for farmers due to its admirable and below-mentioned features. Sonalika GT 20 PTO hp is 10.3 hp, which provides smooth and easy functioning. Sonalika GT 2...
TZS 12,000,000