253 Houses & Apartments for Sale, Tanzania For Sale in Tanzania
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Shamsa Mgallah
2 years
TZS 270,000,000
Dar es Salaam
Nyumba inauzwa mbweni mpiji karibu na zahanati (bunju road) 3 bedrooms (2 self contained 1 guest bathroom / room) kitchen area nje na ndani + dining area dawasco + kisima + huge parking space CONTACT 0757 711 441 for viewing.
TZS 270,000,000
Shara Khamis
2 years
House at Kianga Zanzibar on sell
$ 32,000
House at Kianga Zanzibar on sell
Zanzibar Urban/West
A fenced house in the nice community area you can buy now, four bedrooms 2 with own bathroom and there is public bathroom, two kitchens, large living room and enough space surrounded by fence and garden, are you ready for viewing, whatsApp now +255778883306
$ 32,000
Calvin Mligha
2 years