#VYUMBA_VINNE INAPANGISHWA INAJITEGEMEA IKO-DAR-ES-SALAAM Tz MAHALI-MBWENI ______________ KODI 1,300,000=KWA MWEZI MALIPO YA MIEZI 6 _______ YENYE:- Vyumba Vinne vya kulala #Masta #Sebule #dinning #Jiko zuri lenye #makabati #Choo/#Bafu vya ndani public #Gypsum #Tiles #aluminium #Windows #Umeme upo wa #Luku yake #Maji yapo ya #bomba #24hrs Cars #Parking Space...
Habari..., Duka Kubwa Linapangishwa. Mahali: Kariakoo Gerezan Kodi: TZS 1,800,000/= Kwa mwezi [1.8 mil] Muda wa malipo kuanzia miezi 6 na kuendelea Kumbuka malipo ya madalali ni kodi ya mwezi mmoja. Panafaa kwa ●Pharmacy ●Hardware ●Duka La Vitambaa ●Duka La Machine & Other Tools 0745 30 43 43 WhatsApp
We MAKE ON ORDER ONLY Swahili daybeds/sofa beds.Call or whatsApp to place your order.All orders take 3 weeks to be completed delivery is at the end of the 3rd week.
We sell and make customized orders of solid mahogany doors.Call or Whatsapp to place your order now.All payments must be made before delivery can be made.
We sell and export mahogany timber and beams .The following are the prices for mahogany timber and beams: Price per board foot is 10,000. 12*1@10,000 per foot. 12*2@20,000 per foot. 12*4@ 30,000 per foot. Call or WhatsApp to place your order now. All orders of timber are required to be paid for upfront before any deliveries can be made.
We sell mahogany steps for stairs.Each pieces of a length of 4ft(48") and width of 12" and thickness of 2". Whatsapp us to place your order now.All orders are required to be paid upfront for delivery to be made.
We sell and export mahogany standard and customized door frames.WhatsApp us with your order now.Payment for all timber is paid upfront in full for the delivery to be made.
Apple MacBook Pro Retina 2015 inch 13, core i5 Ram 8GB SSD 128Gb. Good condition no scratches Used like new from USA Battery 8 hours Price 650K Call me 0693090987.