1 Products For Sale in 11063983
Nunua bidhaa mpya na zilizotumika kwa bei nafuu, kama unatafuta gari, nyumba, smartphone, kompyuta, TV au bidhaa nyingine yoyote utaipata hapa Zoom Tanzania kwa bei nafuu.
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Filmon Alem
2 months
bayliner 2655 two cabin 2010
$ 35,000
bayliner 2655 two cabin 2010
Dar es Salaam
This luxurious yacht features a toilet, kitchen, two sleeping areas, television, air conditioning, cooking stove, fridge, microwave, and a shower. It is designed to comfortably accommodate 7 to 8 people, although it can hold up to 10. There are 7 seating options available: 3 at the back and 4 at the front. Measuring 7 meters in length and 2.5 meters in width...
$ 35,000