1162 Products For Sale in 11063983
Nunua bidhaa mpya na zilizotumika kwa bei nafuu, kama unatafuta gari, nyumba, smartphone, kompyuta, TV au bidhaa nyingine yoyote utaipata hapa Zoom Tanzania kwa bei nafuu.
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mo estate
2 years
4bdrm luxury modern villa for rent
$ 6,000
4bdrm luxury modern villa for rent
Dar es Salaam
A Pinnacle of Ultra Modern Luxury - Villas ,800 sqm area 1 Compromising of 5 Ensuite Fully Furnished bedrooms and 3 massive balconies, terrace lounge to host 60 or 70 people 2 .Of which, 2 are super modern Luxurious huge Master bedrooms with built in walk in closets and private balcony. Each Master bath is fitted with His/Her vanity with Jacuzzi/Bathtub. Eac...
$ 6,000
mo estate
2 years
Raqa Ally
2 years
Kunda Kornel
2 years
Athumani mohamed
2 years
Athumani mohamed
2 years
Athumani mohamed
2 years
Arif Amri
2 years
2 years
TZS 190,000
Dar es Salaam
Sluice Valve . size: 4" Material: Ductile Iron Manufacturer: Green Top Pressure: PN 16.
TZS 190,000
Global Faith
2 years
mo estate
2 years
Athumani mohamed
2 years
Fatuma Mussa
2 years
TZS 40,000
Dar es Salaam
Liven alkaline coffee ni kahawa bora isiyo na caffaine na iliyochanganywa na virutubisho vitokanavyo na mimea ya asili. kazi yake ni: 1. kukupa nguvu 2. kutatua changamoto ya nguvu za kiume 3. kutibu magonjwa sugu kama kisukari, pressure, vidonda vya tumbo 4. kuondoa sumu mwilini 5. kuondoa hamu ya ulevi 4. kuimarisha kinga ya mwili Kuipata tupigie 076420385...
TZS 40,000
Fatuma Mussa
2 years
C24/7 supplement
TZS 75,000
C24/7 supplement
Dar es Salaam
Hii ni C24/7 ni bidhaa pekee inayotibu na kuzuia magonjwa zaidi ya 100 kwa wakati mmoja. . Mpaka yale magonjwa sugu kama kisukari, Pressure, Fibroids cancer, ulcers, uvimbe, Teza dume, Matatizo ya uzazi na mengine mengi kibao. . Ni kirutubisho kilichobeba zaidi ya virutubisho 22,000 kama vitamins zote A_B12, Zinc, Calcium, Proteins, Amino acids, uyoga aina 1...
TZS 75,000
Mutashobya kagaruki
2 years
Check with seller
Dar es Salaam
Jafco Co. Limited has been registered to operate as Clearing and Forwarding (CFAs). The main duty of Jafco Co. Limited in its operation among countries accepted its operation are; To advice importers accurately on the processes and procedures for clearance of goods. To ensure that proper documents are lodged and goods are cleared as per the requirement of th...
Check with seller
Judith Ikate
2 years
mo estate
2 years
Mtc store
2 years
Soap & glory face wash & clarity
TZS 50,000
Soap & glory face wash & clarity
Dar es Salaam
SOAP & GLORY VITAMIN C FACIAL WASH PRICE: 50,000/= Inacleanse uchafu wote na ku unclog your pores without over drying • Ina fight spot causing bacteria • Pia ina tone your skin leaving it feeling extra clean * Tighten pores, kwa wale wenye large visible pores Ina control shine • Ina zuia uso kupata breakouts za mara kwa mara % Ina tengeneza povu haraka a...
TZS 50,000
for testing
2 years
Lenovo Mini Pc
TZS 350,000
Lenovo Mini Pc
Dar es Salaam
SPECS zake ni Corei5 6th Generation 3.2Ghz processor Ram 8GB 500GB HDD 4GB za intel Graphics card
TZS 350,000
Judith Ikate
2 years
House for sale
$ 890,000
House for sale
Dar es Salaam
Exclusive beach front house located in kunduchi on the picturesque beaches with unobstructed views of the indian ocean
$ 890,000
Mtc store
2 years
Disaar vitamin c oil
TZS 10,000
Disaar vitamin c oil
Dar es Salaam
DISAAR VITAMIN C OIL AVAILABLE Th 10,000 • Oil nzuri ya vitamin c inasaidia kuondoa madoa mwilini * Wale wenye chunusi za mgongoni na kifuani hii oil inasaidia sana • Yanalainisha sana ngozi • Yanaipa unyevu ngozi • Hii oil haichubui inafaa kwa wanawake na wanaume! •' Ngozi ya mwili ina glow vizuri! Price: 10,000
TZS 10,000
Mtc store
2 years
Clonovate cream
TZS 70,000
Clonovate cream
Dar es Salaam
CLONOVATE CREAM ZIPO DUKANI ! ! * Hii ni kwa wale wanaopenda weupe • Wale wanaopenda kung'aa saana. § Inatoa Black/dark spots zilizoshindikana kwenye mwili wako. *' Inaondoa sugu, viwiko, magoti, weusi mapajani na seem zingine zenye weusi sugu. • Kama hutaki kung'aa sana tutakuelekeza jinsi ya mix na mafuta mengine ili kupata mng'ao wa wastani. • Inakufanya ...
TZS 70,000
Mtc store
2 years
Dr.teals body crub
TZS 45,000
Dr.teals body crub
Dar es Salaam
DR Teal's BODY SCRUB AVAILABLE Zina exfoliate, zinaondoa uchafu kwenye ngozi, Hizi ni moia wapo va scrub zinazopendwa saana na zinazotumiwa na watu wengi Hizi scrub zina exfoliate, ukimaliza kujiscrub unapata a very soft feeling na ngozi haibaki kavu. Ulazo wake pia mkubwa unakaa navo mda mrefu! Get smoother skin with Dr Teal's Body scrub! Available in Pink ...
TZS 45,000
Mtc store
2 years
Dr. Teals moisturizing bath &body oil
TZS 35,000
Dr. Teals moisturizing bath &body oil
Dar es Salaam
Dr teals moisturizing Bath & Body oil available Tsh 35,000 -Body oil nzuri saana unaweza kuitumia ukiwa unaoga unaweka few drops kwenye maji ambayo unaoga hi husaidia saana ngozi kuwa na moisture unapotoka kuoga au ukaipaka baada ya kuoga wakati ngozi ikiwa na unyevu! Ina penetrate kwenye ngozi haraka na kuacha ngozi ikiwa moisturized vizuri saana! -ukit...
TZS 35,000
2 years
Autodesk 3ds Max
TZS 347,000
Autodesk 3ds Max
Dar es Salaam
Autodesk 3ds Max Activated A professional-quality 3D animations, renders, and models with 3ds Max software. An efficient and flexible toolset to help you create better 3D content in less time. The built-in Arnold renderer provides a rich experience and can handle your more complex characters, scenes, and effects.
TZS 347,000