206 Products For Sale in Dar es Salaam
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Mrisho Selemani
2 years
Stefan Gleixner
2 years
Business partner wanted, 25 million USD project, Sector: Industrial Agriculture
$ 50,000
Business partner wanted, 25 million USD project, Sector: Industrial Agriculture
Dar es Salaam
German investor is looking for a Tanzanian partner. This is an industrial-agricultural project covering 30,000 hectares (72,000 acer). Large agricultural project is looking for one partner and director. Requirements: Tanzanian passport, experience with projects, very good connections to the government. We offer: 5-40% (50 000$ to 12 000 000$) company partici...
$ 50,000
mo estate
2 years
mo estate
2 years
Buniken Paul
2 years
Rizwan Meghji
2 years