Advert for Statutory Audit for RLabs Tanzania

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Huduma Nyingine
1 year
SKU: 1411
Published 1 year ago by RLABS TANZANIA
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In Huduma Nyingine category
Iringa, Iringa, Tanzania
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1. Background
RLabs was born as Iringa Living Lab from the Tanz ICT project in 2013, which created
‘Living Labs’ as spaces to develop innovative solutions to community problems involving
academic institutions, businesses, government and the community. The model uses
design thinking and experiential learning to develop an innovation mindset. As the Iringa
Living Lab flourished under the leadership of Yusuf Ssessanga and mentorship of RLabs
South Africa, in 2014, the group took the name RLabs Iringa to be an official hub of the
RLabs global family. On 29th February 2016, RLabs Iringa was registered as a
Community-Based Organisation with Iringa Municipality, registration number:
IR/IMC/CBO No. 820.
Since 2013, RLabs has demonstrated the power of its Grow Leadership Programme in
giving unemployed young people the confidence and mindset to create innovative
businesses. While the organisation had operated informally as a CBO with a group of
volunteers, on 13th December 2019, RLabs Tanzania was registered as an NGO under the
Non Governmental Organizations Act, 2002 under section (1) and 17(2) of Act number
24 of 2002. The first audited accounts for RLabs Tanzania were then done in 2020 for
2019 financial year. Since 2020, RLabs has professionalised and strengthened the
organisation’s programmes and systems.
2. Objective of the Audit Assignment
RLabs financial year end 31st December, the statutory audit is being commissioned to
verify the financial position and performance of the organisation whether the financial
reports and operation of the year shows true and fair view of all undertakings in the year.
The audit is expected to review the reported expenditures against payments made during
the year. The audit is expected to inform the management and the board by confirming
the accuracy and correctness of the cash balances for the year and its cash flows.
3. Scope of the Audit assignment.
The assignment will involve auditing period from inception January 2023 to 31st
December 2023 programme activities and transactions. The auditors are required to
conduct the audit in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and
audit standards in Tanzania (if applicable) as per detailed scope of audit. The statutory
audit will be conducted in the Iringa office location of RLabs Tanzania.
Oversight of the audit is to be maintained by a senior auditor who should be present at
pre and post audit meetings with the organisation, provide a focal point for material
queries and ensure that final financial reports being audited are based on materiality and
provide constructive recommendations.
4. Duration of the Assignment
The audit assignment will start on the month of March and completed in the period of one
week inclusive of Final report submission.
5. Deliverables
The designated auditors shall submit their audit plan, 2 days before commencement of
the audit. They shall prepare an Audit Report providing an audit opinion on whether the
financial performance and position of the organisation show true and fair view.
The key deliverables are:
i) An opinion on the financial position and performance of RLabs for the year.
ii) An Audit Report and Management letter which provides a detailed assessment of
the transactions reviewed and overall picture of the organisation performance
and position.
iii) Supporting processes of filing final returns and statement of return of income
(RoI) online.
iv) Advisory support and guidance on issues around taxes and statutory deductions.
Any interested AUDIT FIRM should apply before 31st July, 2023 through office e-mail;
[email protected].
Don’t forget to share your profile including audit fee budget for
the assignment Read more


1. Background
RLabs was born as Iringa Living Lab from the Tanz ICT project in 2013, which created
‘Living Labs’ as spaces to develop innovative solutions to community problems involving
academic institutions, businesses, government and the community. The model uses
design thinking and experiential learning to develop an innovation mindset. As the Iringa
Living Lab flourished under the leadership of Yusuf Ssessanga and mentorship of RLabs
South Africa, in 2014, the group took the name RLabs Iringa to be an official hub of the
RLabs global family. On 29th February 2016, RLabs Iringa was registered as a
Community-Based Organisation with Iringa Municipality, registration number:
IR/IMC/CBO No. 820.
Since 2013, RLabs has demonstrated the power of its Grow Leadership Programme in
giving unemployed young people the confidence and mindset to create innovative
businesses. While the organisation had operated informally as a CBO with a group of
volunteers, on 13th December 2019, RLabs Tanzania was registered as an NGO under the
Non Governmental Organizations Act, 2002 under section (1) and 17(2) of Act number
24 of 2002. The first audited accounts for RLabs Tanzania were then done in 2020 for
2019 financial year. Since 2020, RLabs has professionalised and strengthened the
organisation’s programmes and systems.
2. Objective of the Audit Assignment
RLabs financial year end 31st December, the statutory audit is being commissioned to
verify the financial position and performance of the organisation whether the financial
reports and operation of the year shows true and fair view of all undertakings in the year.
The audit is expected to review the reported expenditures against payments made during
the year. The audit is expected to inform the management and the board by confirming
the accuracy and correctness of the cash balances for the year and its cash flows.
3. Scope of the Audit assignment.
The assignment will involve auditing period from inception January 2023 to 31st
December 2023 programme activities and transactions. The auditors are required to
conduct the audit in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and
audit standards in Tanzania (if applicable) as per detailed scope of audit. The statutory
audit will be conducted in the Iringa office location of RLabs Tanzania.
Oversight of the audit is to be maintained by a senior auditor who should be present at
pre and post audit meetings with the organisation, provide a focal point for material
queries and ensure that final financial reports being audited are based on materiality and
provide constructive recommendations.
4. Duration of the Assignment
The audit assignment will start on the month of March and completed in the period of one
week inclusive of Final report submission.
5. Deliverables
The designated auditors shall submit their audit plan, 2 days before commencement of
the audit. They shall prepare an Audit Report providing an audit opinion on whether the
financial performance and position of the organisation show true and fair view.
The key deliverables are:
i) An opinion on the financial position and performance of RLabs for the year.
ii) An Audit Report and Management letter which provides a detailed assessment of
the transactions reviewed and overall picture of the organisation performance
and position.
iii) Supporting processes of filing final returns and statement of return of income
(RoI) online.
iv) Advisory support and guidance on issues around taxes and statutory deductions.
Any interested AUDIT FIRM should apply before 31st July, 2023 through office e-mail;
[email protected].
Don’t forget to share your profile including audit fee budget for
the assignment

Vidokezo Salama

  • Usifanye malipo yoyote mtandaoni au kutoa taarifa zako binafsi kakikisha unaiona bidhaa kabla ya kununua.
  • Kuwa mwangalifu na wauzaji wanao hitaji malipo ya awali kabla ya kukutana na kukagua kifaa.
  • Jaribu bidhaa hakikisha inafanya kazi kikamilifu kabla ya kununua, fahamu zaidi kupitia ukurasa huu.
  • Hakikisha unakutana na muuzaji katika eneo salama na la wazi pale unapotaka kununua bidhaa.
Toa Taarifa
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