315 Huduma For Sale in Tanzania
Hizi hapa bei mbalimbali za Huduma mpya na used kutoka kwa wafanyabiashara Tanzania. Find great deals from verified sellers on Zoom Tanzania.
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Joel Zacharia Chalema
1 year
Chalema Tanzania Safaris
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Chalema Tanzania Safaris
Chalema Tanzania Safaris, led by Joel Zacharia Chalema, is a premier local tour operator in Tanzania. Our team specializes in crafting personalized itineraries that showcase the best of Tanzania's wildlife, adventure, culture, and relaxation. From thrilling safaris to awe-inspiring mountain climbing expeditions, we create unforgettable experiences that excee...
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Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
TZS 75,000
Dar es Salaam
Ni dawa Bora sana na mujarrabu kwa kutibu bawasir kwa muda mfupi sa na kukinga hisijirudie tena kwa gharama nafuu sana 75000 tyu kwa dose kamili
TZS 75,000
Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
Dawa Kuondoa gesi tumboni
TZS 35,500
Dawa Kuondoa gesi tumboni
Dar es Salaam
Mujarrabu wa Kuondoa gesi tumboni pamoja na kiungulia kwa uhakika kabisa ni dawa asilia Bora kabisa kuwahi kutokea Kama huna shida hiyo basi mwisho wa tatizo humefika lakini pia kwa wenye Matatizo ya moyo pressure na mmeng'enyo chakula pia hii dawa hinamaliza kabisa Matatizo hayo
TZS 35,500
Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
Dawa ya tezi dume
TZS 55,000
Dawa ya tezi dume
Dar es Salaam
Dawa Bora yenye mchanganyiko bora wa dawa nyingi za kiarabu ni special kwa kutibu na kukinga tezi dume
TZS 55,000
Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
Dawa hinayotibu magonjwa mengi
TZS 25,000
Dawa hinayotibu magonjwa mengi
Dar es Salaam
UKOMBOZI ni dawa ya asili mujarrabu kwa kutibu magonjwa mbalimbali kama vile 1)Kutoa uchafu tumboni unaosababisha maradhi 2)Kutoa sumu zitokanazo na madawa ya kemikali na vyakula vya viwandani 3)Kushindwa kumudu tendo la ndoa (kupungua nguvu) au kumaliza haraka 4)Maumivu ya kiuno ,mgongo,au ganzi 5)Matumbo ya wakina mama Kama chango nk 6)Matatizo ya figo na ...
TZS 25,000
Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
TZS 35,000
Dar es Salaam
Kichomi hutokea mapafu yanapovimba kwa sababu ya maambukizi Kama nimonia au kifua kikuu.mara nyingi tatizo hili ni ishara ya kuwepo maambukizi ya virusi kwenye mapafu.pia maumivu kichomi yanaweza kusababishwa na 1)Magonjwa yanayosababishwa na asbesiti 2)Saratani fulani 3)Jeraha au kuumia kifuani 4)Magonjwa ya baridi yabisi
TZS 35,000
1 year
1 year
Hp chromebook
TZS 250,000
Hp chromebook
Dar es Salaam
Pata Hp chromebook kwa bei nafuu kabisa Ram 4GB Ssd 16GB Intel processor Free 64GB Flash Inakaa na chaji 12 hours Pata yako sas kwa bei nzur na nafuu kabisa
TZS 250,000
Roobee Salim
1 year
Junior Full Stack Web Developer Needed
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Junior Full Stack Web Developer Needed
Dar es Salaam
We are seeking a talented and experienced Junior Full Stack Web Developer to assist in a short-term project If you meet the requirements below submit your resume & portfolio to
[email protected] Requirements: Develop responsive and user-friendly web applications using front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Implement dynamic and in...
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Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
Dawa ya nguvu za kiume
TZS 75,000
Dawa ya nguvu za kiume
Dar es Salaam
Ni dawa yenye mchanganyiko wa dawa kubwa 99 Inayomaliza kabisa matatizo ya nguvu za kiume 1)Hinaponyesha kwa walioathirika na punyeto 2)Hinakupa nguvu nyingi za kiume na kuzalisha Mbegu kwa wingi 3)Inaimarisha mishipa ya uume 4)Hinakupa nguvu ya kumudu tendo na kukupa msisimko na hisia kali ya tendo 5)Inakupa nguvu ya kurudia round nyingi zaidi
TZS 75,000
Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
Dawa ya kuacha sigara
TZS 175,000
Dawa ya kuacha sigara
Dar es Salaam
Ni dawa bora sana na yenye uhakika wa kutibu tatizo la uvutaji sigara ni dawa ambayo imewasaidia watu wengi sana hivyo Kama wewe ni muanga wa uvutaji sigara huu Sasa ndio wakati sahihi wa kuipata dawa hii kwa hajiri ya kumaliza tatizo lako pindi hukianza tyuu kutumia dawa hii basi wewe na sigara mtakuwa sumu hautotamani hata harufu yake karibu huje kujipatia...
TZS 175,000
Ahmadi Luonyo
1 year
Dawa ya nguvu za kiume
TZS 30,000
Dawa ya nguvu za kiume
Dar es Salaam
LOve kingdom ni dawa ya asili yenye uwezo mkubwa wa 1)Kuongeza nguvu za kiume 2)Kurejesha hamu ya tendo la ndoa 3)Kuongeza hisia ya tendo la ndoa 4)Kuimarisha mishipa ya uume 5)Kuchelewesha kufika kileleni 6)Kungeza nguvu ya kumudu tendo la ndoa 7)Kuongeza nguvu ya kurudia tendo mara nyingi hutakavyo √Matumizi yake ni kunywa
TZS 30,000
Social Boost
1 year
Authentic Likes, Followers, Views Comments, and Subscribers!
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Authentic Likes, Followers, Views Comments, and Subscribers!
Dar es Salaam
SocialBoost.co.ke is your ultimate partner in unleashing the full potential of your social media presence. With our unrivaled range of services, you can experience the transformative power of authentic engagement, targeted likes, interactive comments, and engaged subscribers to create a thriving online community. Imagine having a legion of dedicated follower...
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Social Boost
1 year
Social Boost
1 year
Social Boost
1 year
Social Boost
1 year
Boost Your Engagement with SocialBoost.co.ke - Authentic Likes, Comments, and Subscribers!
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Boost Your Engagement with SocialBoost.co.ke - Authentic Likes, Comments, and Subscribers!
SocialBoost.co.ke is your go-to source for boosting social media engagement. Experience the power of authentic likes, comments, and subscribers to create a thriving online community. With our services, you can foster genuine connections, drive conversations, and skyrocket your social media success. Don't wait, start boosting with SocialBoost.co.ke today!
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Social Boost
1 year
Social Boost
1 year
Social Boost
1 year
Social Boost
1 year
Boost Your Social Media Presence with SocialBoost.co.ke - Real Followers, Views, and Likes!
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Boost Your Social Media Presence with SocialBoost.co.ke - Real Followers, Views, and Likes!
Dar es Salaam
SocialBoost.co.ke is the top place to buy subscribers, followers, likes, and views in Kenya. Enhance your social media presence and take your online visibility to new heights with our high-quality services. With a strong focus on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, SocialBoost.co.ke empowers you to achieve your social media goal...
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Gregory Shikutwa
1 year